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Our first party here was in July of 2008. We were almost done fixing up the house and Rock The Park was on, just across the River.
Steve Winwood was playing that night. About 150 people drifted through the house and floated out into the (then) over-grown garden,
laughing and dancing under the summer stars.
We didn’t plan for that party to become an annual event but Andrew just loved it, and I can’t resist that dimple so an annual it became.
I think that’s how it started; this just saying yes to everything people ask to do here. Peony Pop Ups with the incomparable
Tania Floral Design, watercolour workshops with artist Aggie Armstrong, Misha Bower’s Trying to Have it All album release,
music videos, dinner parties and Weddings! As Covid wrought havoc with larger wedding plans young couples began to approach us
to ask if, perhaps, they could be married in an intimate setting among the peonies…and we said yes…
Yes is a beautiful word
"Susan is an incredible talent. She has a unique taste in art design, and creativity that is on full display at her home. Combine that with her personality and wit, you are bound to have a joyful exchange. She helped my wife and I get through our wedding while we maneuvered around the ever changing rules of COVID and made our dreams realized. We are so glad we met her and her beautiful family. We consider ourselves lucky having had the opportunity to work with her and look forward to the next time. Thank you Susan!"
- Niroshen Hryclik, 2021 Groom

Photo by Erich Deleeuw

Photo by Erich Deleeuw

Copy of DSC_0236-2

Photo by Erich Deleeuw

"Someone" By Fancey Featuring Saveria. Music Video posted with express permission of Todd Fancey.
Video by Chris Evans, 7Z Inc.

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